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New Led Screen
in Vilnius - "Spaudos rumai"
484.000 contacts per week


New Led Screen
in Vilnius - "Ozas"
478.000 contacts per week


New Led Screen
in Vilnius - "Pilaites prospektas"
484.000 contacts per week


New LED Screen
in Vilnius - "Pašilaičiai"
503.000 average contacts per week


New LED Screen
in Vilnius - "Ukmergės"
503.000 average contacts per week


New LED Screen
in Kaunas - "Center / Old Town"
403.000 average contacts per week


Outdoor Screen for Advertising
in Šiauliai - The Biggest Crossroads
457.000 contacts / week


Outdoor Screen for Advertising
in Šiauliai - Center / Ruta
445.000 contacts / week


Advertising on
Outdoor LED Screens

in Lithuania Screens
visible on average
contacts per week
See a changing
video advertisement
more often
The advertised
brand is valued
more reliable
Outdoor advertising increases the average sales by
Advertising observers expect information about products and services

Advertising on LED Screens
In Lithuania and Latvia
"2go" Outdoor Screens


"2go" Clients

The range of "2go" customers ranges from start-ups, medium-sized and largest market players operating in Lithuania and Latvia. "2go" customers include such well-known companies as "Telia", "Tele2", "Ozas", "Akropolis", "Senukai", "Europa", "Nordika", "Saulės miestas", "Coca Cola", "Macdonald‘s", "BMW", "Renault", "KIA", "Sportland", "Ford", "Rituals", "", "Swedbank", "Travel Union" and etc.


ECO - the screen uses solar-generated electricity


Take care of our only home - nature!

Some of the screens in the “2go” network are based on the production and use of renewable energy sources. These are the first LED outdoor video screens in Lithuania, which are equipped with the latest technology solar collectors, supplying energy directly from solar collectors installed above or below the screen.



VIP locations in cities

All “2go” screens are located at the “arterial” intersections of city streets, where active vehicle traffic prevails. Locations for the screens were selected according to the nearby public attraction objects - major supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, etc.

Screen size, resolution

Some “2go” screens are of ultra-high resolution 1152 x 576 pixels. This is a sufficient number of pixels to provide high-quality visuals and maintain the bright contrast of the depicted objects. Screen sizes range from 6.5 x 4 m, 8 x 4 m, 14,5 x 8,5 m etc.

Flexible pricing

Dynamic advertising price rates depend on the location of the LED screen and the intensity of ad serving. We apply appropriate discounts depending on the volume of advertising and client loyalty. Better broadcast prices are applied in the larger orders.

Guaranteed visibility

With the increasing mobility of people, dynamic advertising is noticeable when driving, stopping or passing at high-traffic crossroads. Outdoor LED screens are installed at an appropriate height to enter the field of vision of the human eye, they are bright and attractive.

Large number of contacts

“2go” outdoor screens are visible every day to many townspeople and their guests on the way to work, educational institutions, shops, entertainment areas, etc. The screens are seen an average of 400,000 to 450,000 times a week. Such a large number of contacts will ensure high visibility of your advertisement.

Video advertising

Advertising on media screens is similar to advertising on television or the Internet. Our eyes and attention are accustomed to watching changing images on various screens, making outdoor media screens more noticeable than static advertising. Moreover, unlike online or television advertising, there is no interference such as blocking or switching ads.


According to a study by “The Nielsen Company” in 2015, residents trust outdoor advertising, including billboards and outdoor screens, more than advertising in browser search results, social networks and online video advertising. However, it is noted that outdoor screens receive 400% more attention than static outdoor stands.


The range of the audience is quite wide, the age ranges on average between 15 and 65 years and more. So more consumer attention can be achieved. Residents aged 15-49 are the most active in noticing and reacting to advertising. Advertising on media screens is especially effective when the goal is to present a new product or service to the widest possible audience and attract a constant number of consumers.

Quick ad switching

A company that produces a new product, introduced a new service or updated the product packaging can inform the client very quickly - before or during the launch of the product. It is advertising on outdoor screens that can be launched and changed instantly and you can reach a larger audience in major cities at once.

Prices in Lithuania


Video duration - 10 seconds, broadcast time 6:00 am – 11:00 pm, prices are without VAT.

Get an individual offer
Get a Price
Screen "Ukmerges"
325 EUR / week
695 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
880 EUR / week
750 EUR / week
1,735 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
795 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Ozas"
325 EUR / week
695 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
880 EUR / week
750 EUR / week
1,735 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
795 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Kareivių"
325 EUR / week
695 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
880 EUR / week
750 EUR / week
1,735 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
795 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Compensa"
300 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
740 EUR / week
700 EUR / week
1,455 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
680 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Senukai"
300 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
740 EUR / week
700 EUR / week
1,455 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
680 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Nordika"
250 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
300 EUR / week
550 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
1,095 EUR / week
300 EUR / week
500 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Baltupiai"
250 EUR / week
375 EUR / week
300 EUR / week
550 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
1,095 EUR / week
300 EUR / week
500 EUR / week
Discount Up To 75%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Šilainiai"
300 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
740 EUR / week
700 EUR / week
1,455 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
680 EUR / week
Discount Up To 65%  |   (get your price...)
Screen "Mindaugo"
300 EUR / week
600 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
740 EUR / week
700 EUR / week
1,455 EUR / week
350 EUR / week
680 EUR / week
Discount Up To 65%  |   (get your price...)

Prices in Riga


Video duration - 10 seconds, broadcast time 0:00 am – 12:00 pm, prices are without VAT.

Get an individual offer
Get a Price

Outdoor LED Screens in Lithuania and Latvia
Outdoor LED Screens in Lithuania and Latvia

VIP places for your advertising

Advertising LED Screens
Objects Near LED Screens


The brand image is of great importance to the success of a company, so promotional videos can have a significant impact on the ultimate usefulness.
When creating videos for outdoor LED screens, we take into account the client’s goals, brand style, communication used in other distribution channels.


Ecology is important to "2go"

It is well known that anthropological human activities have a negative impact on climate change. Not only countries, companies, but also everyone individually is struggling with this problem. By our solutions, we can choose products whose production, packaging and transportation have a lower impact on atmosphere and water pollution. Not only a product but also a service can be produced responsibly. If your company cares about climate change prevention, you can choose to advertise in renewable energy media.
