Led Outdoor Screen
Livonijos str. and Statybininkų str,
Joniskis „Center“
Livonijos str. and Statybininkų str,
Joniskis „Center“
Average contacts
per weekAverage contacts – 142.000 per week
Size of screen – 32 sq.m (8 x 4 m).
Resolution of screen - 480 x 240 pixels.
Format – avi, mp4, mov.
The only outdoor screen in Joniskis.
An outdoor screen is located in center of the city.
Location – intersection of Livonijos st. and Statybininku st., Joniskis
The outdoor screen is located at the largest intersection in Joniskis (intersection of Livonijos str. and Statybininku Str.). A heavy traffic is at the place at various times. The LED screen is visible from all sides.
For advertising broadcasts on the outdoor screen in Joniskis, write in the contact form, by mail or contact by phone.